EJFS Episode 3

EJFS Episode 3

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇


  • 9 1056


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In the year 2025, four months following the cataclysmic events of Episode Two, a rogue search & recovery operation is carried out by a select faction of Shadow State operatives known as the Storm Renegades commando units. Their objective: locate and retrieve the hidden EJFS strong box, containing a fragment of Vritra's remains buried at sea.

The EJFS founder and chief commander, Khali Mehta Sherpa, remains missing after being captured and imprisoned somewhere in Siberia, Russia. The last person to see Khali was his adoptive son, Singh Puneet Sherpa (a.k.a. Leon Evans), who was contacted by impeached and convicted ex-POTUS Kenneth Hill in a threatening phone call, ending with Singh receiving a media message showing Khali strung, bound, and gagged inside a cargo ship named the Siberia King while en route to Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Star EJFS Agent Abhu Dhuval Sandeep (a.k.a. Caleb Porter), now entering his second year since his enlistment into the superagency, supports his grieving best friend as they aim to facilitate the rescue of Khali. Little did they know that Khali is the catalyst to bring about world destruction and extinction to pave the way for the elite tier of society to live a post-apocalyptic life of paradise. Will Abhu, Singh, and the rest of the EJFS find and save Khali and the world before it's too late?


The story opens with a new rogue group of commandos on a search & recovery operation to locate and retrieve the strongbox containing Vritra's relic with assistance from naval officers in the Arctic Ocean.

The strongbox containing the lost fragmented vestige was buried at sea to prevent another dragon apocalypse from imperiling the Earth.

Newly inaugurated President Wes Grisham and his cabinet work to avert crises involving the EJFS and numerous foreign nationals based in the UK and Russia. Unbeknownst to the Grisham administration, a mole operative was in their midst and awaited the signal to strike at the most opportune moment.


The compromised US Secretary of State, Pamela Harsh, routinely abused her authority for personal and political gain. As a rogue government official aligned with what's remaining of The Shadow State, she reformed new factions of the US military by seeking the assistance of Gordon Crowley, a British national leading the Storm Renegades.

The nefarious malefactors work with multiple bad actors to subvert the EJFS on all fronts.

The decimated Shadow State faction has been continually operating secretly in a plot to bring back Vritra and use ex-POTUS Kenneth Hill's political prisoner, Khali Mehta Sherpa, as the catalyst for the War of Storms endgame.


Impeached and convicted ex-POTUS Kenneth Hill remains exiled at his private London estate during the height of the War of Storms operations. Hill's lust for revenge plagued his mind and influenced his decision-making.

Working overseas via encrypted messaging correspondence, Kenneth Hill seeks the assistance of the former Counterintelligence Response Bureau, James Wade Matthews, while under house arrest in his New York apartment.

The Elite Justice Force Squad's intent to bring all the malefactors to face true justice and to get Khali safely home and back with the EJFS was the top priority of the superagency.


The grand conclusion of the original EJFS trilogy has arrived as Abhu and his best friend, Singh, lead the charge to locate and rescue Khali after his capture and imprisonment four months prior. Together, they encounter multiple obstacles to liberate the EJFS founder. With the deck stacked against the duo, will Abhu and Singh overcome impossible odds to save Khali and avert world catastrophe again?


The journey spans Atlanta, Norfolk, New York City, Belfast, Dublin, London, Moscow, Oblastnaya, Siberia, and Amsterdam.



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781958891452
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 0
    • 商品規格
    • 出版地
    • 美國
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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