
        Kashmir and Kashghar. A Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74



        Kashmir and Kashghar. A Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74
          1. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819?20?21?22 /by John Franklin.; v. 1

            Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819?20?21?22 /by John Franklin.; v. 1

          1. College Tramps. A Narrative of the Adventures of a Party of Yale Students During a Summer Vacation in Europe, With Knapsack and Alpenstock, and the Incidents of a Voyage to Rotterdam and Return, Taken

            College Tramps. A Narrative of the Adventures of a Party of Yale Students During a Summer Vacation in Europe, With Knapsack and Alpenstock, and the Incidents of a Voyage to Rotterdam and Return, Taken

          1. Narrative of a Voyage to Patagonia and Terra Del Fu矇go, Through the Straits of Magellan, in H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle, in 1826 and 1827

            Narrative of a Voyage to Patagonia and Terra Del Fu矇go, Through the Straits of Magellan, in H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle, in 1826 and 1827

          1. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819?20?21?22 /by John Franklin.; v. 2

            Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819?20?21?22 /by John Franklin.; v. 2

          1. Narrative of a Journey Through the Province of Khorassan and On the N. W. Frontier of Afghanistan in 1875; Volume 2

            Narrative of a Journey Through the Province of Khorassan and On the N. W. Frontier of Afghanistan in 1875; Volume 2

          1. A Genuine Narrative of the Enterprize Against the Stores and Shipping at St. Maloes. from the Letters of a Person of Distincition in the Service. ... Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, Esq;

            A Genuine Narrative of the Enterprize Against the Stores and Shipping at St. Maloes. from the Letters of a Person of Distincition in the Service. ... Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, Esq;

          1. Young Japan. Yokohama and Yedo. A Narrative of the Settlement and the City From the Signing of the Treaties in 1858, to the Close of the Year 1879. With a Glance at the Progress of Japan During a Peri

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          1. Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries Within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations, in Egypt and Nubia; and of a Journey to the Coast of the Red Sea, in Search of the Ancient Bere

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          1. The Adventures of a Lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, & Kashmir. With an Account of the Journey From the Punjab to Bombay Overland; Volume 1

            The Adventures of a Lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, & Kashmir. With an Account of the Journey From the Punjab to Bombay Overland; Volume 1

          1. A Narrative Of The Shipwreck And Unparalleled Sufferings Of Mrs. Sarah Allen, (late Of Boston) On Her Passage In May Last From New-york To New Orleans

            A Narrative Of The Shipwreck And Unparalleled Sufferings Of Mrs. Sarah Allen, (late Of Boston) On Her Passage In May Last From New-york To New Orleans

          1. Travels Into Bokhara; Being the Account of a Journey From India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia; Also, Narrative of a Voyage On the Indus. From the Sea to Lahore, With Presents From the King of Great B

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          1. Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea During 1875-76 in H.M. Ships ’Alert’ and ’Discovery’; Volume 1

            Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea During 1875-76 in H.M. Ships ’Alert’ and ’Discovery’; Volume 1

          1. A Narrative of the Affair Between Mr. Cresswell, and Miss Sc--E, Address’d to G----V----E Sc------E, Esq. by Which May Be Discover’d the Falsities, Misrepresentations, &c. in a Letter in the General E

            A Narrative of the Affair Between Mr. Cresswell, and Miss Sc--E, Address’d to G----V----E Sc------E, Esq. by Which May Be Discover’d the Falsities, Misrepresentations, &c. in a Letter in the General E

          1. Corona and Coronet; Being a Narrative of the Amherst Eclipse Expedition to Japan, in Mr. James’s Schooner-Yacht Coronet, to Observe the Sun’s Total Obscuration, 9th August, 1896;

            Corona and Coronet; Being a Narrative of the Amherst Eclipse Expedition to Japan, in Mr. James’s Schooner-Yacht Coronet, to Observe the Sun’s Total Obscuration, 9th August, 1896;

          1. Narrative of a Journey Down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-90.

            Narrative of a Journey Down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-90.

          1. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean in 1833, 1834, and 1835

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          1. Five Years in Texas or, What you did not Hear During the war From January 1861 to January 1866. A Narrative of his Travels, Experiences, and Observations, in Texas and Mexico

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