

What? I turned my mom into a dinosaur!





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The book is about a stone which enables people to have the power to turn someone into a dinosaur. A boy fulfilled his dream and had his freedom with a price to pay - his nagging mom was turned into a dinosaur!
When he was determined to do something to turn his mom back to be normal, the bad guy took away the dinosaur stone while anyone with blood descendant shall turned into dinosaurs eventually. Mankind is in danger of being extinguished.
If you would like to learn more, come and get a fantastic and interesting copy of “What? I turned mom into a dinosaur!” This book has fine illustrations and humorous plots. It will give you a visual feast and feed your imagination.





Graduated from Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University. He used to be a meteorological officer reporting the weather. He also worked as a patent engineer. He passed the securities specialist qualification examination as well as the environmental engineering technician higher examination. He is currently working in a telecommunication company.
He enjoys recording things with images. In particular, he has broad knowledge and interest in 3D animations and scripts. He plans to publish his original scripts such as Superman in 3 mins, Small Ring, Dragon-Axe and Looking for The Monkey King in electronic book and paper book media.



Translator: Chia-Ling Kao
Education: MA Degree in Children's Literature, University of Reading, England
Bachelor Degree in English and American Literature, Central University, Taiwan
Work Experience: Freelance translator for commercial projects such as film scripts,newsletters and legal documents since 2004
Chinese interview scripts translator for market research company, Kadance International London since 2012
Freelance Proof reader for a film market research compancy, Marketcast London


1. My Situation
2. Dinosaur Stone Unearthed
3. Make a wish with the Dinosaur Stone
4. T-Rex Mom Came Home
5. Looking For a Solution
6. The Museum Curator
7. Dinosaur Stone was in Someone Else’s Hand
8. Reborn
9. Gangster Dinosaurs
10. Made a Mess in Downtown
11. Disadvantage Counter-attack
12. Termination of the Dinosaur Stone


If moms were turned into dinosaurs!

If moms were turned into dinosaurs, what would the world be like? With increased industrial and business development, and despite easy access to technology, society has a bigger communication gap. Parents and the children have alienation which gets worse and worse.
Even though, parents wish their children a brighter future. However, children have their own thoughts, which results in arguments in daily life and even some serious communication problems.
The book is about a stone which enables people to have the power to turn someone into a dinosaur.

A boy fulfilled his dream and had his freedom with a price to pay - his nagging mom was turned into a dinosaur!
When the reality hit, no one could cook for the boy nor care about him. He was like a stray dog. He thought about how his mom used to look after him when he was sick. Rain or shine, she always took him to school and picked him up after school.
All these acts made the boy stronger and he was determined to do anything to turn his mom back to normal. No matter what the outcome was, the boy would grow up and also realize how lucky he was to have his parents by his side. He would cherish them even more.



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781625031563
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 212
    • 商品規格
    • 22.9*15.2
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 11~15歲適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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