
        Stoning the Devil of War in Sudan



        Stoning the Devil of War in Sudan
          1. Notebook: Notebook Paper - In the sentence of life. The devil may be a comma - but never let him be the period - (funny notebook

            Notebook: Notebook Paper - In the sentence of life. The devil may be a comma - but never let him be the period - (funny notebook

          1. In Defense of the Flag; A true war story

            In Defense of the Flag; A true war story

          1. At The Sign Of The Sword A Story Of Love And War In Belgium

            At The Sign Of The Sword A Story Of Love And War In Belgium

          1. D’Ri And I A Tale Of Daring Deeds In The Second War With The British

            D’Ri And I A Tale Of Daring Deeds In The Second War With The British

          1. Memoirs of a Veteran Who Served as a Private in the 60’s in the War Between the States

            Memoirs of a Veteran Who Served as a Private in the 60’s in the War Between the States

          1. Union Tales of the War in the Trans-Mississippi, Part One

            Union Tales of the War in the Trans-Mississippi, Part One

          1. And a Hard Rain Fell: A Gi’s True Story of the War in Vietnam

            And a Hard Rain Fell: A Gi’s True Story of the War in Vietnam

          1. The Dismissal of Major Granville O. Haller, of the Regular Army, of the United States by Order of the Secretary of War, in Special Orders, No. 331, of July 25th, 1863. Also, a Brief Memoir of His Mili

            The Dismissal of Major Granville O. Haller, of the Regular Army, of the United States by Order of the Secretary of War, in Special Orders, No. 331, of July 25th, 1863. Also, a Brief Memoir of His Mili

          1. A Monograph Of The Rev. Israel Evans, A.m., Chaplain In The American Army During The Entire Revolutionary War, 1775-1783

            A Monograph Of The Rev. Israel Evans, A.m., Chaplain In The American Army During The Entire Revolutionary War, 1775-1783

          1. Reply to Kosciusko Armstong's Assault Upon Col. McKenney's Narrative of the Causes That led to General Armstrong's Resignation of the Office of Secreatry of war in 1814

            Reply to Kosciusko Armstong's Assault Upon Col. McKenney's Narrative of the Causes That led to General Armstrong's Resignation of the Office of Secreatry of war in 1814

          1. A Comprehensive Sketch of the Merrimac and Monitor Naval Battle, Giving an Accurate Account of the Most Important Naval Engagement in the Annals of war ..

            A Comprehensive Sketch of the Merrimac and Monitor Naval Battle, Giving an Accurate Account of the Most Important Naval Engagement in the Annals of war ..

          1. McNeill’s Last Charge; an Account of a Daring Confederate in the Civil War

            McNeill’s Last Charge; an Account of a Daring Confederate in the Civil War

          1. The Wounds of Civil War. Lively Set Forth in the True Tragedies of Marius and Scilla. as It Hath Beene Publiquely Plaude in London

            The Wounds of Civil War. Lively Set Forth in the True Tragedies of Marius and Scilla. as It Hath Beene Publiquely Plaude in London

          1. A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Castlereagh, &c. &c. &c. on the North American Export-trade During the War, and During Any Time the Import and Use of Our Manufactures Are Interdicted in the Unit

            A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Castlereagh, &c. &c. &c. on the North American Export-trade During the War, and During Any Time the Import and Use of Our Manufactures Are Interdicted in the Unit

          1. The Class war in Idaho. The Horrors of the Bull pen. An Indictment of Combined Capital in Conspiracy With President McKinley. General Merriam and Governor Steunenberg, for Their Crimes Against the Min

            The Class war in Idaho. The Horrors of the Bull pen. An Indictment of Combined Capital in Conspiracy With President McKinley. General Merriam and Governor Steunenberg, for Their Crimes Against the Min

          1. The Last Year of the war in North Carolina, Including Plymouth, Fort Fisher and Bentonsville

            The Last Year of the war in North Carolina, Including Plymouth, Fort Fisher and Bentonsville

          1. The Americans in the Great War; v 1. The Second Battle of the Marne (Ch璽teau-Thierry, Soissons, Fismes)

            The Americans in the Great War; v 1. The Second Battle of the Marne (Ch璽teau-Thierry, Soissons, Fismes)

          1. Reminiscences, 1780 to 1814, Including Incidents in the war of 1812-14; Volume 1

            Reminiscences, 1780 to 1814, Including Incidents in the war of 1812-14; Volume 1

          1. Pittsburg’s Part in the World war; Souvenir Book of Stirring Scenes, Departure of Troops, at Training Comps, Liberty Loan Drive, Airplane in Pittsburgh, Remembrance day at Forbes Field, British Tank,

            Pittsburg’s Part in the World war; Souvenir Book of Stirring Scenes, Departure of Troops, at Training Comps, Liberty Loan Drive, Airplane in Pittsburgh, Remembrance day at Forbes Field, British Tank,

          1. Pittsburg’s Part in the World war; Souvenir Book of Stirring Scenes, Departure of Troops, at Training Comps, Liberty Loan Drive, Airplane in Pittsburgh, Remembrance day at Forbes Field, British Tank,

            Pittsburg’s Part in the World war; Souvenir Book of Stirring Scenes, Departure of Troops, at Training Comps, Liberty Loan Drive, Airplane in Pittsburgh, Remembrance day at Forbes Field, British Tank,

          1. A Letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, esq; Being an Impartial Vindication of the Conduct of the Ministry, From the Commencement of the Present war to This Time. In Answer to the Aspersions Ca

            A Letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, esq; Being an Impartial Vindication of the Conduct of the Ministry, From the Commencement of the Present war to This Time. In Answer to the Aspersions Ca

          1. Pax in Bello, or, A few Reflexions on the Prospect of Peace, Arising out of the Present Circumstances of the War

            Pax in Bello, or, A few Reflexions on the Prospect of Peace, Arising out of the Present Circumstances of the War

          1. In Defense of the Flag. a True war Story. (Illustrated.) A Pen Picture of Scenes and Incidents

            In Defense of the Flag. a True war Story. (Illustrated.) A Pen Picture of Scenes and Incidents

          1. With Lee In Virginia A Story Of The American Civil War

            With Lee In Virginia A Story Of The American Civil War

          1. The Life, Anecdotes, and Heroic Exploits of Israel Putnam, Major-General in the Revolutionary War

            The Life, Anecdotes, and Heroic Exploits of Israel Putnam, Major-General in the Revolutionary War

          1. Narrative of the Capture and Burning of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians, in the Time of the war of 1744-1749 ... Written at the Time by one of the Captives, the Rev. Mr. John Norton. Now

            Narrative of the Capture and Burning of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians, in the Time of the war of 1744-1749 ... Written at the Time by one of the Captives, the Rev. Mr. John Norton. Now

          1. Exercises at the Bi-centennial Commemoration of the Burning of Medfield by Indians in King Philip’s War

            Exercises at the Bi-centennial Commemoration of the Burning of Medfield by Indians in King Philip’s War

          1. The Tragedy of Thirteen Days in 1914. (A Review of the Diplomatic Correspondence Preceding the World War of 1914.) An Address Before the Michigan State Bar Association, June 28, 1918

            The Tragedy of Thirteen Days in 1914. (A Review of the Diplomatic Correspondence Preceding the World War of 1914.) An Address Before the Michigan State Bar Association, June 28, 1918

          1. Memoirs of a Veteran Who Served as a Private in the 60’s in the War Between the States; Personal Incidents, Experiences and Observations

            Memoirs of a Veteran Who Served as a Private in the 60’s in the War Between the States; Personal Incidents, Experiences and Observations

          1. Memoirs of the Late War, (Volume 2); Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; a

            Memoirs of the Late War, (Volume 2); Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; a

          1. Memoirs of the Late War, (Volume 1); Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; a

            Memoirs of the Late War, (Volume 1); Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; a

          1. Ups and Downs in America; Or, Sketches of Everyday Life, Manners and Customs; With Incidents of Travel and Adventure During a Seven Years’ Sojourn in America, Before and During the War. an Autobiograp

            Ups and Downs in America; Or, Sketches of Everyday Life, Manners and Customs; With Incidents of Travel and Adventure During a Seven Years’ Sojourn in America, Before and During the War. an Autobiograp

          1. Northern Vermont in the War of 1812

            Northern Vermont in the War of 1812
