
        Civic Science in the Community



        Civic Science in the Community
          1. Science in Farming. a Textbook on the Principles of Agriculture, Including a Treatise on Agricultural Chemistry

            Science in Farming. a Textbook on the Principles of Agriculture, Including a Treatise on Agricultural Chemistry

          1. The Päri in the Luo community

            The Päri in the Luo community

          1. Do Buddhas Go to Heaven? the Evolution of the Soul in Myth, Science and Religion

            Do Buddhas Go to Heaven? the Evolution of the Soul in Myth, Science and Religion

          1. Skiascopy; A Treatise on the Shadow Test in Its Practical Application to the Work of Refraction, with an Explanation in Detail of the Optical Principles on Which the Science Is Based, with Sixty-Nine

            Skiascopy; A Treatise on the Shadow Test in Its Practical Application to the Work of Refraction, with an Explanation in Detail of the Optical Principles on Which the Science Is Based, with Sixty-Nine

          1. The Microscopist; A Compendium Of Microscopic Science Including The Use Of The Microscope, Mounting And Preserving Microscopic Objects, The Microscope In Chemistry, Biology, Histology, Botany, Geology

            The Microscopist; A Compendium Of Microscopic Science Including The Use Of The Microscope, Mounting And Preserving Microscopic Objects, The Microscope In Chemistry, Biology, Histology, Botany, Geology

          1. Popular Science Do-it-yourself Encyclopedia; Complete How-to Series for the Entire Family, Written in Simple Language With Full Step-by-step Instructions and Profusely Illustrated; 9 Out-Plu

            Popular Science Do-it-yourself Encyclopedia; Complete How-to Series for the Entire Family, Written in Simple Language With Full Step-by-step Instructions and Profusely Illustrated; 9 Out-Plu

          1. Popular Science Do-it-yourself Encyclopedia; Complete How-to Series for the Entire Family, Written in Simple Language With Full Step-by-step Instructions and Profusely Illustrated; 7 Ins-Lig

            Popular Science Do-it-yourself Encyclopedia; Complete How-to Series for the Entire Family, Written in Simple Language With Full Step-by-step Instructions and Profusely Illustrated; 7 Ins-Lig

          1. Investigate It! The Scientific Method in Detail 5th Grade General Science Textbook Science, Nature & How It Works

            Investigate It! The Scientific Method in Detail 5th Grade General Science Textbook Science, Nature & How It Works

          1. The Path of the Soul After Death: The Community of the Living and the Dead As Witnessed by Rudolf Steiner in His Eulogies and Fa

            The Path of the Soul After Death: The Community of the Living and the Dead As Witnessed by Rudolf Steiner in His Eulogies and Fa

          1. The Meaning of the Holy Quran, The Qur’’an & Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? 2IN1

            The Meaning of the Holy Quran, The Qur’’an & Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? 2IN1

          1. Introduction to the National Arithmetic, on the Inductive System; Combining the Analytic and Synthetic Methods. In Which the Principles of the Science Are Fully Explained and Illustrated. Designed for

            Introduction to the National Arithmetic, on the Inductive System; Combining the Analytic and Synthetic Methods. In Which the Principles of the Science Are Fully Explained and Illustrated. Designed for

          1. Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 3

            Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 3

          1. College Camp--Lake Geneva: Graduating Thesis of Emery M. Nelson in Candidacy for the Degree of Bachelor of Association Science

            College Camp--Lake Geneva: Graduating Thesis of Emery M. Nelson in Candidacy for the Degree of Bachelor of Association Science

          1. Ageing Care in the Community: Curre[93折] TAAZE讀冊生活

            Ageing Care in the Community: Curre[93折] TAAZE讀冊生活

          1. The Tonsils and the Voice in Science, Surgery, Speech and Song; a Comprehensive Monograph on the Structure, Utility, Derangements and Treatment of the Tonsils, and of Their Relationship to Perfect Ton

            The Tonsils and the Voice in Science, Surgery, Speech and Song; a Comprehensive Monograph on the Structure, Utility, Derangements and Treatment of the Tonsils, and of Their Relationship to Perfect Ton

          1. Stand Up That Mountain: The Battle to Save One Small Community in the Wilderness Along the Appalachian Trail

            Stand Up That Mountain: The Battle to Save One Small Community in the Wilderness Along the Appalachian Trail

          1. The Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind; Being a Summary of the Conclusions Announced by the Highest Authorities in the Several Departments of Physiology, Zo繹logy, and Comparative Phil

            The Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind; Being a Summary of the Conclusions Announced by the Highest Authorities in the Several Departments of Physiology, Zo繹logy, and Comparative Phil

          1. It’s All in the Plates! Understanding Plate Tectonics, Boundaries and Major Tectonic Plates Grade 6-8 Earth Science

            It’s All in the Plates! Understanding Plate Tectonics, Boundaries and Major Tectonic Plates Grade 6-8 Earth Science

          1. Two Discourses. I. An Essay on the Whole Art of Criticism, as It Relates to Painting ... II. An Argument in Behalf of the Science of a Connoisseur; Wherein is Shewn the Dignity, Certainty, Pleasure, a

            Two Discourses. I. An Essay on the Whole Art of Criticism, as It Relates to Painting ... II. An Argument in Behalf of the Science of a Connoisseur; Wherein is Shewn the Dignity, Certainty, Pleasure, a

          1. Elements Of Mental Science; Being A Comprehensive Exposition Of The Phenomena Of The Human Mind Considered In Its General Characteristics, In Its Particular Functional Activities, And As An Organic Wh

            Elements Of Mental Science; Being A Comprehensive Exposition Of The Phenomena Of The Human Mind Considered In Its General Characteristics, In Its Particular Functional Activities, And As An Organic Wh

          1. The Science Of Eating; How To Insure Stamina, Endurance, Vigor, Strength And Health In Infancy, Youth And Age

            The Science Of Eating; How To Insure Stamina, Endurance, Vigor, Strength And Health In Infancy, Youth And Age

          1. Physical Science in the Time of Nero; Being a Translation of the Quaestiones Naturales

            Physical Science in the Time of Nero; Being a Translation of the Quaestiones Naturales

          1. Alimentaci籀n saludable La gu穩a de ciencia de los alimentos sobre qu矇 comer en espa簽ol/ Healthy nutrition The food science guide on what to eat in Spanish

            Alimentaci籀n saludable La gu穩a de ciencia de los alimentos sobre qu矇 comer en espa簽ol/ Healthy nutrition The food science guide on what to eat in Spanish

          1. A Standard History of Williams County, Ohio; an Authentic Narrative of the Past, With Particular Attention to the Modern era in the Commercial, Industrial, Educational, Civic and Social Development; V

            A Standard History of Williams County, Ohio; an Authentic Narrative of the Past, With Particular Attention to the Modern era in the Commercial, Industrial, Educational, Civic and Social Development; V

          1. Remarks on Elementary Education in Science. An Introductory Lecture, Delivered at the Opening of the Classes of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, in the University of London, November 2, 1830

            Remarks on Elementary Education in Science. An Introductory Lecture, Delivered at the Opening of the Classes of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, in the University of London, November 2, 1830

          1. Jurisprudence [a Lecture Delivered at Columbia University in the Series on Science, Philosophy and art, February 19, 1908]

            Jurisprudence [a Lecture Delivered at Columbia University in the Series on Science, Philosophy and art, February 19, 1908]

          1. Economic Science. Or, The Law of Balance in the Sphere of Wealth

            Economic Science. Or, The Law of Balance in the Sphere of Wealth

          1. Writing in the Elementary Classroom Community of Learners

            Writing in the Elementary Classroom Community of Learners

          1. 500 Plain Answers To Direct Questions On Steam, Hot Water, Vapor And Vacuum Heating, The Science And Practice Of Heating Explained In A Series Of Plain Questions And Answers, With Tables, Rules And Ge

            500 Plain Answers To Direct Questions On Steam, Hot Water, Vapor And Vacuum Heating, The Science And Practice Of Heating Explained In A Series Of Plain Questions And Answers, With Tables, Rules And Ge

          1. The Gentleman and Lady’s Palladium and Diary, for the Year of our Lord 1756 Containing, (besides What is Usual, ) Many New Improvements in Science, on a Plan Quite New

            The Gentleman and Lady’s Palladium and Diary, for the Year of our Lord 1756 Containing, (besides What is Usual, ) Many New Improvements in Science, on a Plan Quite New

          1. Ke Garne?: Sustainable Christian Community Development in the Himalayas

            Ke Garne?: Sustainable Christian Community Development in the Himalayas

          1. I. The Greek School Philosophy, With Reference To Physical Science. Ii. The Physical Sciences In Ancient Greece. Iii. Greek Astronomy. Iv. Physical Science In The Middle Ages. V. Formal Astronomy Afte

            I. The Greek School Philosophy, With Reference To Physical Science. Ii. The Physical Sciences In Ancient Greece. Iii. Greek Astronomy. Iv. Physical Science In The Middle Ages. V. Formal Astronomy Afte

          1. A Treatise on Operative Surgery; Comprising a Description of the Various Processes of the art, Including all the new Operations; Exhibiting the State of Surgical Science in its Present Advanced Condit

            A Treatise on Operative Surgery; Comprising a Description of the Various Processes of the art, Including all the new Operations; Exhibiting the State of Surgical Science in its Present Advanced Condit

          1. Principles of the Science of Colour, Concisely Stated to Aid and Promote Their Useful Application in the Decorative Arts

            Principles of the Science of Colour, Concisely Stated to Aid and Promote Their Useful Application in the Decorative Arts

          1. A Treatise On the Science & Practical Detail of Trigonometrical Surveying, With Their Applications to Surveying in General, (Besides a Minute Description, Illustrated by Figures, of the Repeating Circ

            A Treatise On the Science & Practical Detail of Trigonometrical Surveying, With Their Applications to Surveying in General, (Besides a Minute Description, Illustrated by Figures, of the Repeating Circ

          1. Wages in 1873; Address Read Before the Social Science Association at Norwich

            Wages in 1873; Address Read Before the Social Science Association at Norwich

          1. The Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century

            The Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century

          1. Hand-book of Minneapolis, Prepared for the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Held in Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 15-22, 1883

            Hand-book of Minneapolis, Prepared for the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Held in Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 15-22, 1883

          1. Yoga in the Black Community

            Yoga in the Black Community

          1. Teachers’ Use of Language during Science Instructions. The Case of a Primary School in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania

            Teachers’ Use of Language during Science Instructions. The Case of a Primary School in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania

          1. Reading and Writng Strategies for the Secondary Science Classroom in a Plc

            Reading and Writng Strategies for the Secondary Science Classroom in a Plc

          1. The Science of Vital Force. Its Plan, Division of Function, and Operative Methods in Health and Disease ..

            The Science of Vital Force. Its Plan, Division of Function, and Operative Methods in Health and Disease ..

          1. Ivory and the Elephant in Art, in Archaeology, and in Science

            Ivory and the Elephant in Art, in Archaeology, and in Science

          1. Descriptive Geometry--pure and Applied; With a Chapter on Higher Plane Curves and the Helix ... Prepared for Courses in General Science, Engineering and Architecture

            Descriptive Geometry--pure and Applied; With a Chapter on Higher Plane Curves and the Helix ... Prepared for Courses in General Science, Engineering and Architecture

          1. Conceiving the Plan: Nuance and Intimacy in Civic Space

            Conceiving the Plan: Nuance and Intimacy in Civic Space
