【阿婆K鵝】電容式麥克風 新款 Samson Go Mic USB 廣播 錄音 Meteor E205u C01u
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$30 - $50

🔥 SAMSON Go Mic 專業電容麥克風 USB接口隨插即用 輕便收納夾 適用各種場合 也可外接支架 (一年完整保固 不需負擔海外運費 非短短三個月) ⚡️產品特色: ●20Hz-18kHz響應。 ●可選擇心型或全指向。 ●簡約設計,可以折疊起來放置  ●適合錄制音樂、播客和現場錄音。 ●理想的語音識別軟件。 ●USB數位輸出。 
 ✅ Go Mic是一個適合筆記型電腦使用的電容式麥克風, 使用USB接口,即插即用。支持WINXP, WIN7,WIN10,蘋果MAC,IPAD均可使用。   ✅ 此麥克風適合在聊天、會議以及戶外錄音等各種場合使用, 其有兩種指向方式:單心形(單方向)和全向(360度),可以滿足你各種場合的需要, 麥克風本身帶有標準3.5耳機輸出接口,可以直接連接耳機,音箱等設備。   ✅ 麥克風只需要一條USB線就可以和電腦連接, 使用非常方便,不需要安裝驅動程序,WINDOWS系統自帶。  ✅ 體積相當小巧,半個煙盒尺寸,麥克風送收藏盒, 防止麥克風受外力擠壓,攜帶非常方便,是一款不可多得的便攜多用途話筒。   產品特色: ●20Hz-18kHz響應。
●簡約設計,可以折疊起來放置 ●適合錄制音樂、播客和現場錄音。
●理想的語音識別軟件。 ●USB數位輸出。 
 SAMSON SAMSON是美國著名大型音頻設備供應商, 美國第二大樂器連鎖店SAMASH的子公司, 借助其母公司在樂器產品銷售方面的優勢,良好把握消費者口味, 已經是一家銷售遍布北美、亞洲、歐洲等地的大型音頻設備供應商, 其專業無線設備、話筒、樂器設備等一直廣深受全世界眾多音響師、音樂人好評。 John 5、Eric Clapton等頂級樂隊、樂手都是samson的用戶。 產品保固說明 本產品7天內收到產品若有瑕疵, 立即免費換貨 (買家不需負擔任何運費, 寄回的運費將會退款給您) 若超過7天享有一年非人為機器保固,  保固期間若產生非人為損壞狀況, 需要請您負擔寄回費用 我們將會為您進行送修檢測, 並將免運費寄回給您, 送修流程預計約1~2兩個禮拜 Tech Specs Microphone Type Condenser Polar Pattern Cardioid, Omni Diaphragm Size .39" (10mm) Frequency Response 80Hz-18kHz (Cardioid), 20Hz-20kHz (Omni) Max SPL 121dB SPL Color White Connector USB Weight 0.23 lb. Included Accessories USB cable, Cable clip, Mic stand adapter, Carry pouch Manufacturer Part Number SAGOMIC     Go Mic Goes Where You Go. Further expanding on its diverse line of USB microphones, Samson introduces Go Mic, the ideal portable recording microphone that clips to your laptop. Go Mic is perfect for recording music, podcasts or field recording, but its range of functionality extends beyond typical USB microphones. Ideal for voice recognition software, iChat, web casting and even Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Go Mic is the ideal solution for recording on the go.   Because of its custom, compact design, the Go Mic can clip right onto your laptop or sit unobtrusively on your desk. Plug and play operation also means it's completely compatible with a Mac OS or Windows, with no drivers required. High-quality components and meticulous engineering ensure the Go Mic offers remarkably clear, professional audio reproduction. Thanks to its switchable cardioid and omni polar patterns, you can pick whichever pattern is more appropriate for your specific situation. Use the tightly focused cardioid pickup pattern when recording a podcast, acoustic guitar or vocals. Or use the omnidirectional pattern to capture the entire room, whether you're jamming with your band, webcasting with a group or conducting an online meeting with multiple members in a single location. Plus, with a frequency response of 20Hz-18kHz and a resolution of 16-bit, 44.1kHz, you can be sure you're getting professional audio specs in a compact, multi-purpose design. Podcasting Perfection
