
Taste of Home What Can I Bring?

Taste of Home What Can I Bring?

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇



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Answer the question "What Can I Bring?" with crowd-pleasing dishes perfect for sharing. Need the perfect dish to pass? Rest assured, it will be a hit when it comes from What Can I Bring Cookbook! Regardless of the reason...and regardless of the season...all great parties, holidays and gatherings feature tasty foods, munchable snacks and impressive desserts. Let this all-new cookbook help you find the perfect contribution to cocktail parties, tailgates, backyard barbecues, bridal and baby showers, Christmas buffets and other events. Each recipe serves a crowd, travels well and offers the no-fuss ease today's home cooks need most. In addition to more than 360+ make-and-take dishes, you'll find packing and traveling tips, suggestions for the ideal foods to bring to specific get-togethers and other tricks for answering the popular question, "What can I bring?"
360+ Potluck-Perfect Dishes. Each recipe in this colorful collection feeds a group and travels well. Best of all, every dish comes together easily with common ingredients, includes step-by-step directions and features prep and cook times. Party Foods Chart. Not sure what to make for the barbecue or tailgate? Wondering what you can bring to the brunch on Sunday? Turn to the handy chart on the back cover flap. Organized by event, it offers suggestions for rave-worthy bring-a-dish contributions. "Bring It" Tips. Scattered throughout the book, these ideas help you make the most of your contributions. Keep foods at the right temperature on a buffet, pack up the car with ease and help the hostess with these smart ideas. Special Slow-Cooker Chapter. Slow cookers make it cinch to bring a hot and hearty dish to a party. Turn here for delish recipes that take advantage of your favorite appliance. Chapter of Large-Yield Dishes. When you need to contribute to an extra-large event (think church supper, family reunion or pancake charity breakfast), you'll want to check out this popular chapter. The recipes in the Big-Batch Dishes chapter are perfectly sized for a crowd...some even serving up to 50 hungry diners!
Appetizers, Dips & Spreads
Breakfast for a Bunch
Main Dishes
Salads & Sides
Big-Batch Dishes
Slow Cooked Favorites
The Sweetest Treats SOME OF THE RECIPES
Caramelized Ham & Swiss Buns
Creamy Buffalo Chicken Dip
Overnight Layered Lettuce Salad
Chicken Salad Party Sandwiches
Spicy Touchdown Chili
Sweet Corn Muffins
Potluck Fried Chicken
Bacon & Eggs Casserole
Cheesy Spaghetti Bake
Easy Macaroni Salad
Mom's Italian Beef Sandwiches
Big-Batch Jambalaya
Potluck Beans
Ham & Cheddar Brunch Ring
Burgers with Spicy Dill Salsa
Mint Chocolate Cheesecake
Slow-Cooked Rueben Spread
Beef Stew for a Crowd
Cheesy Meatball Sliders
Warm Rocky Road Cake
Strawberry Spinach Salad with Candied Walnuts
Simple Guacamole
So-Easy Sticky Chicken Wings
Slow-Cooker Bacon Mac & Cheese
Fudgy Brownies with Peanut Butter Pudding Frosting



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781621458913
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 0
    • 商品規格
    • 出版地
    • 美國
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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